Brookfield Bulldogs

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - All-Time

All | Regular Season | Other
Note: A minimum of 1 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Runs Batted In RBI
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Scott Booth
1. Scott Booth 105
2. Kris Franzen 71
3. Randy Sobczyk 68
4. Curt Pryal 47
5. Mike Mierow 45
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
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Scott Booth
1. Scott Booth 61
2. Dan Barwick 50
3. Bill Gorman 41
4. Randy Sobczyk 34
5. Mike Mierow 33
Fielder's Choice FC
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Mike Mierow
1. Mike Mierow 13
2. Kris Franzen 11
3. Scott Booth 10
4. Curt Pryal 9
5. Jeff Lueck 9
Batting Average AVG
1. Adam Karas .500
2. Nate DeYoung .500
3. Jarred Shipman .500
4. Takoda Metoxen .450
5. Parker Sniatynski .449
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Jake Andersen 1.000
2. Adam Karas .750
3. Josh Serio .600
4. Nate DeYoung .556
5. Parker Sniatynski .530
Slugging Percentage SLG
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Nate DeYoung
1. Nate DeYoung .950
2. Parker Sniatynski .835
3. Takoda Metoxen .750
4. Scott Booth .550
5. Lewis Veith .509
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
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Nate DeYoung
1. Nate DeYoung 1.506
2. Parker Sniatynski 1.365
3. Adam Karas 1.250
4. Takoda Metoxen 1.226
5. Scott Booth 1.004
Note: A minimum of 1 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Innings Pitched IP
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Greg Basthemer
1. Greg Basthemer 307.2
2. Jonathan Keane 116.2
3. Matt Ausloos 109.1
4. Elijah Goodman 87.1
5. Mike Mierow 78.2
Earned Run Average ERA
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
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Mitchell Mueller
1. Mitchell Mueller 0.26
2. Tekoda Metoxen 0.36
3. Ryan Maier 0.50
4. Takoda Metoxen 0.95
5. Jeff Mierow 1.00
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Total Chances TC
Tiny sbooth
Scott Booth
1. Scott Booth 838
2. Mike Mierow 484
3. Bill Gorman 395
4. Randy Sobczyk 340
5. Mike Jacobs 234